Thursday, August 11, 2011


A few months ago I found a small seedling growing in the back of my house. It didn't look like a weed and a snail was chomping on it at night. I decided to protect it by turning a basket over on top of it. It totally worked. Don't know what it is with baskets, but snails are unable to figure them out.
I don't have any pictures right now, but the small seedling plant turned into a big pumpkin vine. I've been pollinating them and there are about a dozen or more mini pumpkins. They are super cute.
I don't know how the pumpkin seed got there, but I do know we've had this house for at least a year and it did have a pumpkin vine on one side of the back of my house. This new pumpkin just started growing, and I'm not complaining. It's the best gift a bird could have pooped out for me, that is if it was a bird that pooped it out. My other theory is that it was a seed that way lying in the dirt dormant. I don't even know if that's the correct way to describe that, but . . . there ya go.
One of my problems is that I can't wait. I seriously cannot wait. I want to start picking these pumpkins NOW, but they are still really light in color (hardly orange), so I have to be patient.
In other news, the tomatoes I planted from seed are doing pretty good. They aren't the large variety . . . I think they're something along the line of grape tomatoes or something. They are going to be very small.
The lavender is doing well. The marigolds are out of control as usual. Strawberries are doing alright, but I feel like they should have more strawberries by now--I don't even have one. The thing with the strawberries is that I planted them in a container and they were not doing well AT ALL. So, I transferred them to the ground and they are loving the soil and sun.
If I could have an avocado tree, I totally would get one. It's just that they get really big and our house is on the smallish side even though we have a back area to play in.
Alright. Enough of this and that. I have to go. It's our anniversary and we want to go to the beach. I'm not sure if I want to sing Madonna's "Holiday" . . . maybe I will once I've had a couple drinks or two.

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